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HUNTING ACCESSORIES | CLEANING KITS | 12 GA Cleaning set by Megaline s.r.l. model 04/00012

12 GA Cleaning set by Megaline s.r.l. model 04/00012

Analytic Description

An atractive 12 Ga cleaning set of Megaline S.r.l. It comprises of a luxurious Aluminium box containing a rugged three part wooden rod joining together by brass threaded ends and three cleaning brushes. One coloured cotton brush, a steel spiral one and a bristle brush. The extreme part of the wooden rod has the feature of the patch puller. 
Code Descri. Price       
04/00012 12 GA Cleaning set 14.00€


    Remington® Rem™ Flex Rod

    There's no better way to keep your guns in pristine condition than with Remington cleaning accessories